Monday, December 16, 2013

Show me the Paintings, Take 1 - Casey Baugh

Determination and a single-minded focus are required to create a body of work for a solo show.  Emily recently attended two back to back shows for Casey Baugh and Jeremy Lipking (featured in Take 2) in Manhattan at the Arcadia Gallery, renamed the Arcadia Contemporary Gallery.

Casey Baugh’s show “Static” opened November 21st.  A young master who creates exceptional portrait work, “Static” catapulted his craft to a new level. It blended his recognizable style and simultaneously departed from traditional representational work. In an interview about this new direction, Casey said, “I have been painting for ten years and right now I feel like I’m starting all over again with a whole new set of materials, problems and challenges. I feel like this is what I should have been doing from the beginning.”

For “Static” Casey took inspiration from a childhood desire to be an electrical engineer.  He combined his exquisite portrait and figure work with a statement about the world in which we live today. "I want these paintings to say something, comment on the world we are living in," says Baugh.  "It's easy to get trapped and engulfed in all of this (the obsession with technology and social media). Sometimes it is bad, sometimes good . . . sometimes it enlightens us while other times it bogs us down."

With skills seen a century ago combined with images in the modern world, best describes “Static”.  Beautiful faces are paired with unusual accessories.  “Illumination” is a portrait of a dark haired beauty with her head encircled by a blinding fluorescent bulb.

Illumination, 12x16 Oil on Panel by Casey Baugh
The opening night crowd was excited to see these new works and many were red dotted right away. I viewed Casey’s paintings online and thought them to be stunning and fresh.  Artists can become type cast just like actors, so I applaud Casey’s risk taking to broaden his talent and to present his collectors with some original “edgy-ness”.

Casey will be teaching at the Scottsdale Artists' School in Scottsdale, AZ January 6-10.  In this workshop, "Painting the Model", he will discuss the correct way of seeing value, drawing, edge and color, as well as composition theory and design. 
- Catherine Dietrich

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