Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Palette Project 2013 at the Scottsdale Artists’ School

Initiated in 2012, Scottsdale Artists’ School’s free two day mentorship program with renowned oil painter Daniel Keys is an innovation. The unique weekend workshop designed to instruct young artists, ages 15 – 21 in painting was well received and offered again November 2 – 3rd, 2013.

 The Palette Project attracted artists passionate about developing their craft and earnest in their pursuit of a career in the visual arts.  The potential candidates were required to submit an essay about their skills, passion and experience for Daniel to review and select.  

The work area is prepped and ready
Daniel donated his time and art company vendors donated the necessary art supplies.  We at RayMar were excited to participate and provided linen panels for the students.  Other donations came from Artists On ArtBlick Art Materials, and Cobra solvent free oil color.

Some of the many supplies donated for the workshop
I applaud Daniel’s vision for this workshop. He told me he decided to become an artist when he was between 15-16 years old and that’s when many artists make that determination.  Daniel invited me to sit in on his video presentation to the students. He told them he could not teach them to paint specific objects like clouds or flowers, but he could teach them “how” to paint.  His presentation of the elements of painting (shapes, values, edges, color and color temperature, and composition) made the process look very achievable. I thought to myself, “I bet Daniel wished he had received this instruction when he was their age”.

A glimpse into class time
Parents and friends were invited to the closing reception and I was introduced as the supplier of the linen panels.  It was a thrill to see the students’ accomplishments.  They learned their lessons well and have ensured the continuing growth and success of this most valuable workshop to instruct and inspire the artists of tomorrow. 

- Catherine

Student work displayed at closing reception


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